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Feature/refinements (candidate for release as v1.1.0)

Terry Barrett requested to merge feature/refinements into develop

Candidate release (v1.1.0) with these new features:

  • Simplified folder specification - only two folders need specification (source and working)
  • Automatic validation, generation, and naming of working folders
  • Option to create and use a "delivery" folder
  • Application validation (to ensure all required applications exist before starting the run)
  • Reset of workspace
  • C: drive protection warning
  • FME workspaces incorporated into the codebase (so tracked under version control and so no longer need to specify them in the INI file)
  • Processing time is reported (total, and for each processing step)
  • All communication from each process (both stdout and stderr) is captured and reported
  • A copy of the INI file specified for a run is put in the working folder (for documentation and reproducibility)
  • A CSV report is written to the working folder with all information from the run (for documentation and debugging)

The "original workflow" (the one that replicates your dataprep workflow when I started this project) has been tested and results seem good. A copy of the command line output (the TXT file) and a lightly formatted version of the automatically-generated CSV report (the XLSX file) from that test are attached.



Merge request reports